How to Transform Your Shower Into A Self-Care Space

How to Transform Your Shower Into A Self-Care Space

Have you been looking for new ways to practice self-care? Transforming your shower into a self-care space is an easy way to practice slowing down and pampering yourself. The best part is it doesn't have to be expensive or hard. Just follow our steps below to create a relaxing shower atmosphere.


1. Pay attention to the atmosphere. 

Paying attention to the little details in your bathroom can be an easy way to add a bit of luxury into your everyday. Choosing what kind of atmosphere makes you feel pampered is key.

  • Start by thinking about the lighting in your bathroom and try using candles to create ambient lighting.
  • Scents also play a big role in creating the right atmosphere, wheter you prefer fresh scents like orange, relaxing ones like lavender, or something rich and warm like sandalwood or vanilla. Easy ways to add scents to your shower atmosphere include using essential oils, a shower steamer, or scented body care products. You can even decorate your bathroom with different fragrant plants to add a spa-like aroma. For example, eucalyptus leaves are perfect for adding a refreshing scent.
  • Music can do wonders for creating just the right self-care space. Take some time to create a calming playlist with your favorite songs and have it playing next time you take a shower. 

2. Decorate with plants.

As we mentioned in the previous point, incorporating plants into your bathroom decor is a great way to transform your shower experience. Simply looking at greenery is proven to reduce stress, lower cortisol and improve your mood. There are many options for bathroom-friendly plants. Some fragrant plants like mint, lavender, or eucalyptus have the added benefit of making your shower smell lovely. Other plants that thrive in bathroom environments have air-purifying and/or dehumidifying qualities like pothos, fern, snake plant and peace lily (which also absorbs mold and mildew through its leaves). 

3. Be mindful of the temperature.

Temperature matters! Water temperature can have a significant affect on relaxation, but it isn't always the warmer the better. Warm water therapy is indeed a real thing –– temperatures between 94-100°F (34-38°C) offer deep relaxation and can improve circulation, relieve muscle tension, and calm your mind. Cold water, on the other hand, can also have a relaxing affect on your mind and body, and has the benefit of decreasing negative emotions and increasing positive ones. 

4. Treat yourself.

A good way to transform your shower into a self-care space is to keep your shelves stocked with pampering products. Create a weekly routine of exfoliating your skin to remove dead skin cells and applying nourishing face and hair masks.  The internet is full of DIY body scrub and mask recipes that utilize ingredients commonly found in the kitchen, which means you don't have to go out and buy expensive products. To get started, check out our DIY coffee body scrub.

5. Invest in shower accessories.

There are many shower accessories out there, but the ones to pay attention to are those that add comfort and ease into your shower routine. The ElevEase shower step is designed to instantly transform your shower into a self-care space, and makes shaving, exfoliating and tanning in the shower more comfortable than ever.

Transform your shower into a self-care space and GET YOUR ELEVEASE SHOWER STEP TODAY!

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